Flexible harrow Green Way 9 m mounted grada de dientes nueva

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High-strength steel teeth
The working unit of the Green Way 9 meter flexible harrow is equipped with knife-shaped (rhombic) teeth made of high-strength steel 60C2A. The rhombic tooth cross-section compared to the standard square tooth cross-section reduces the tractor pulling force by up to 20%. This ensures efficient operation with tractors from 72 to 400 hp, when combined with Green Way flexible harrows with working widths from 4.3 to 24 m.
Optimum number of teeth
The teeth are arranged at a rate of 70 teeth per 1 m of working area, which guarantees uniform and efficient tillage even over large areas.
Flexible design
The teeth are mounted on cross links that are articulated into a 16-row stub. This allows the teeth to precisely follow the terrain during cultivation, ensuring high quality tillage performance.
Compact frame
The Green Way 9 meter flexible harrow is mounted on a compact frame made of high quality rolled section steel, which allows the machine to be easily transported from field to field without the need for additional support.
Equipped with hydraulics, the harrow can be moved from transport to working position and back again within 3-5 minutes, which increases efficiency and ease of use.
Heavy duty harrow sections (+10 hp)
When used on heavy soils, the option of heavy harrow sections with reinforced teeth, which are mounted behind the tractor wheels, is available. This ensures maximum reconsolidation of the soil and improves cultivation quality.
4 additional teeth attack angle adjustments with washer set
Flexibility in use
It is recommended to use a 16-row train to maximize the harrow's performance. Each 16-row train consists of two parts of 8 rows, which can be installed separately if necessary, e.g. if the field is too clogged or the tractor is underpowered.
- Efficiency: Reduced tractor load allows the harrow to be used with less fuel and resources.
- Durability: Highly durable materials ensure a long service life even under intensive use. The harrow teeth are made of high-strength 60C2A steel, which ensures a long service life even under intensive use. The frames of all Green Way flexible harrow models are made of seamless 09Г2С steel tubing.
- Versatility: Replaces many seedbed preparation machines.
- Ease of use: Quick changeover between transport and working position thanks to hydraulic actuators.
Indicator : Value
Working width, m: : 9
Working length, m: : 5.8
Length during transportation, m: : 3.96
Height during transportation, m: : 3.9
Width during transportation, m: : 2.84
Total weight, t: : 2.65
Number of stubs with teeth: : 6
Number of flex harrow teeth: : 608
Distance between teeth in a row, m: : 0,24
Number of rows with teeth in the flex: : 8х2=16
Distance between harrow single teeth, m: : 0,015
Depth of processing, mm: : 0-80
Angle adjustment of the teeth attack : 2 main position (38° and 50°)
4 additional position
Hydraulic requirement :
lifting/lowering : 1 double-acting spool valve
folding : 1 double-acting spool valve
Hydraulic system pressure, bar: : 180
Minimum tractive power of the tractor, h.p.: : 150
Recommendation for deep processing, h.p.: : 160
Number of attendants, people: : 1